Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Since quitting my job (well, more accurately letting my career wind down and not taking steps to feed it, so to speak) I'm finding that I'm perfectly content spending my mornings puttering in the kitchen and slowly taking back the house. In other words, I spend my mornings cooking and cleaning and I am perfectly happy with that. In fact, I'm really enjoying it. So much so that the paper in languishing a bit, because I keep thinking of things a want to cook (and eat). I feel a little guilty about this. Am I not suppose to want more, and be more? But the more I am away, the more I think that maybe I don't. At least not now. I want a manageable lifestyle. One where we have time to enjoy things a little bit more. It makes me a little bit sad in away, but I really want to enjoy this phase of my life, (the phase with the kid(s)), instead of fumbling through it in utter exhaustion, because I'm not going to get a second chance at it. I just hope that me not working takes a little stress off my husband and lets him enjoy it a little too.

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