Tuesday, May 17, 2011


(Me on Mother's day)

I find myself in mid-May having not written in this public journal since January. It isn't like there hasn't been bloggable stuff going on. Quite the contrary, maybe things have been just a little too bloggable, and I thought better of posting any of it until things quiet down. And then there is that finding time thing, and the slowness of yeah old laptop, and my general impatience.

Let's see....We went on vacation to Sanibel island. We had lots of work done on our house. My husband changed jobs. And I am 22 weeks pregnant, and have had an interesting time of it so far. That is all I want to say for now. Maybe I can get back into the routine of archiving our little life, maybe not. But I'm glad that it is Spring, and soon will be Summer!

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