Sunday, August 30, 2009

Perfect Day

Today was the perfect summer Sunday. The weather was beautiful, and everybody in our house was in a great mood. We just seemed to feed off of each other, especially the little guy. He just seemed to bubble from moment to moment in the way that only a toddler can. Each moment being exciting and fun. And it didn't hurt that we slept in til 7:00!

First the zoo where the little guy found the misters, ran for them and got soaked every time (hey a I let him, how could I not,he found it so interesting and funny that he was getting wet). Then home for a nice long nap. Lunch at subway, which he ate for once! And then off for our last afternoon at the pool. The little guy is just starting to figure out how to kick in the water. Next year he'll swimming for sure (well maybe). And he and mommy split a Klondike bar! He really liked it. Then home for a quick bath and we dared go to the local pub for pizza at 6:00. And get this: He sat through the entire meal. We had a little help from the TVs (it is a sports bar), Especially the Nascar station. Anytime he got antsy, we would just point to the TV and say "Look at the cars" And he would start sating "cahr, cahr" And he ate pizza, and ravioli, and mozzarella sticks. It was the biggest meal he's ever had. And if you consider that he had half a Klondike bar an hour or so earlier. It was impressive!

Anyway I just wanted to remember this day, because it is the culmination of a wonderful summer with our amazing boy.

Now I am off to work on the new sock I am knitting... More about that later. Have a great week.

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