I have been on a reading tear of late. I made a new year's resolution to read along with Diane Rehm's reader's review. January was The Brief and Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao, something I would never have picked up on my own, and it was somehow unexpectedly entertaining and challenging. February was The March by E.L. Doctorow and I consumed that in a little over two weeks, leaving me time to pick up good old Harry Potter, something securely in my comfort zone. I am about a third of the way through " The Order of the Phoenix"
Knitting wise I am moving along on Yogurt's vest, which might become a short sleeve sweater instead. At 6 st/inch this isn't super fast, but it is coming along. Lifestyles? Yarn in navy from the stash.
I also finished a pair of Quick Change Trousers ( QCT ) from Handmade Beginnings. The boys let me do some sewing on the weekend, and I finished the rest in 15 minute intervals alotted to me by Yogurt during the week. I just finished them this morning. I had to avoid the temptation to play with my new machine which arrived Monday! But now I am freed up to play with it.
So far I am crafting all out of my stash ( new sewing machine excluded, it was time for something which might be able to handle knits), but the temptations are strong, so very strong. Let's see if I can make it another month or two

A little close up on the knitting. Hard to see the detail in Navy!
Linking two places this week! KCCO and Small Things, and stash bash here too!
Have a lovely week all!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
1 comment:
How funny that we both have the QCT love- at the same time, no less!! :)
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