Saturday, February 23, 2013

I sometimes like to an anti-perfect mommy blog. Meaning I might let you see glimpses of the not perfect way I am raising my kids ( and not meaning I am in anyway against the perfect parenting blogs with their pretty glossy pictures, because I like those quite a bit).

This is one of those posts.

Daddy was away in London-town this week.

I would like to thank the creators of Mystic Power Rangers. You allowed me to get little to bed without the interruption of big.

We watched a bit more TV than I would normally allow, and I will be paying for that next week, when things are back to normal.

I even let Yo watch a little Backyardigans, and Pound Puppies. He really likes the opening theme to Pound Puppies.

We ate at McDonald's one night this week ( we never do that), but I did make cauliflower curry, and Pizza did eat it.

Pizza was allowed daddy's spot in my bed, he brought all his blankies and made a nest surrounding himself that took up 3/4 of the bed. I ( and Yo in the wee hours) slept on the remaining sliver.

I somehow and for some reason sewed a skirt. I think this helped keep me sane.

I did no laundry, and will be regretting it this weekend.

I did do the dishes, but just about everything else in the house was overtaken by the chaos of two little boys. Things were allowed to stay where they lay.

I looked over in the wee hours to see the boys holding hands, but if Pizza woke up to find Yogurt on his blankie......not good.

I am glad to report Daddy is back and things are returning to normal. Hopefully we won't have to do this for awhile.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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