Time is speeding up
It's been so long, that I don't remeber any of the html or the what I called the little special elements I created for headings and such . At some point I will look it up, but for now just typing something is probably all one can hope for.
We've been busy, and I feel like I'm just trying to get to November, because I've decided that November must be a chill month. I mean I'm going to be 9th months pregnant. Yikes!!!! I still have problems beleiving that I'm actually having a baby, even though there ample evidence. He's moving around right now actually.
I'm really excited about having the baby, but its hard to let myself get too excited. I guess I'm the don't count you chickens type, and I don't want to get too excited for fear that something might go wrong. I'm already really in love with the little guy, and I'm a little scared about that too.
To recap what is going on, we went to the beach in the beginning of September to hang out and relax. After that there has been painting of the baby's room, other work around the house, shopping, baby classes, and doctor's appointments. Somehow I also try to do some work.
This week I've felt particularly pregnant (33 weeks). I keep dropping things. I actually threw up because of my prenatal vitamin. Baby's been moving around alot and with more force then before (which is nice, I like to know he's getting stronger). I'm starting to outgrow some of the maternity clothes. I mysteriously hurt my ankle, so in addition to being big and cumbersome, I've been hobbling around. (It is starting to feel better by the way.) I've also been working on a talk, which is depressing because I feel like I've done nothing over the last year since I gave my talk last year.
Anyway that's how things are. Knitting progress is slow because I need to read the directions and I don't feel like it. I've been working on my crocheted blanket. It's really wide, and will take me years to complete, but doesn't really require a lot of thought.
I need to go walk the dog, maybe I'll post some pictures some other time.
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