We are still around....
Apparently it was still spring when I last sat down and wrote one of these little bloggy things. Now it is fully the dog days of August in D.C.; hot, humid,
and dry. I hope our lawn survives okay, I feel a little guilty about watering it, even at night. A big tree up the street from us died because of the drouhgt. If their water column breaks they are done for. Poor tree... poor homeowner who now needs to have the giant tree cut down....
There's actually been quite a lot going on around these parts over the last five months, so I will quickly update, in no particular chronological order.
- Finished peapod sweater:
- Working on a red vest sweater, for a baby, (pattern from "natural knits, for Babies and Moms" by Louisa Harding, knit in Shine Sport)
- Went to a small scientific meeting in Italy, where quite a few people were talking about my paper, which is weird because at larger, less focused meetings nobody generally cares about this stuff. Picture of Italy at flickr sight
- Bought a shiny used 1971 Yamah U1 piano. Has a very nice sound, and doesn't have problems turning on and off. Still haven't figured out what to do with the old electric piano which was a nice idea in principal, but would strongly urge anyone thinking about buying one to consider a used real piano instead.
- Seriously thinking about writing a K grant, mulling over ideas which will take a lot of work to flesh out
- Started working on producing another human being, about four more months to go:

another view

And lastly, but certainly no leastly...
Me at 21 weeks:
Baby at 20 weeks:

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