Tuesday, April 03, 2012


Fireman sweater is done (and worn) But I'm tired of it so no more on that this week.
This week is all about stymied.
example one. yogurt will take a lengthy morning nap. If he stays up till 9:30. Meaning he doesn't fall asleep on my lap when he nurses at 8:30, which he is currently doing. then he only naps for 30 minutes, and ends up hanging out while I do whatever had planned to do during nap, while entertaining him with a bag of potato chips.
example two. Fireman pants part one. ( aka treasure pocket pants or TPP from Sewing For Boys) Instructions call for sewing on bias tape as casing. this had me perplexed for the weekend right on step one, then I turned to the Internet and figured it out.
example three. Fireman pants part two. yesterday was the epiphany about the use of bias tape, all the while thinking how is 1/2 inch elastic goin fit. 1/4 inch would make more sense.... Read to instruction two. Cut 1/4 inch elastic ..... Funny 1/4 inch elastic wasn't listed as a notion.... Stuck now at step two awaiting a trip to the fabric store.
example four. Every time I set up to do something at home with pizza I end up overestimating what a four year old can accomplish. This is only a generalization. Four is tricky they want things to do on their own, but you have to be careful b/c their little egos get frustrated easily. I'm getting better at forming realistic expectations (also for his behavior ) and this helps me feel a little less stymied.
Lastly, not all leads to frustration. I'm trotting along on the anabel cardigan in the yarn the pattern called for ( imagine that ). Hopefully I won't mess it up too much, and hopefully I won't need to rip it out because it doesn't fit.
now should I try to drop the sleeping babe in the crib or let him be?
Crafting on with frontier dreams


FrontierDreams said...

Your project choices are great! Now I need to know - what did you end up doing with your sweet little sleeping baby??? :)

lac said...

I had to eventually pee, so I put him in his crib, and he rolled over and smiled at me, telling me nap over!

HannahW said...

Lots of sweet projects going on!

Here is my craftiness of the week.. http://likemamalikedaughter.blogspot.com/2012/04/keep-calm-and-craft-on.html