Friday, March 02, 2012

This post is being brought to you from my iPad, sleeping babe on my lap. Well, I've done it. I placed the garden order. I am both excited and terrified. This could be a huge failure, big waste of money. It's not that I expect this garden to feed us. It's more of an educational adventure. And I'm excited because for the first time we have a backyard for a vegetable garden, But that first season is so damn expensive, and in the end we'll probably only end up with Very well feed deer! but here goes! I'm planning both containers and a 4x4 raised bed ( maybe should have planned two 4x4 beds) And I ordered lots of seeds and some plants, and seed starting pellets. The lettuce and greens will grow on our upper deck in self watering containers. Winter squash, cucumbers, some tomatoes, bush beans, summer squash in beds. everything else in containers on the patio or the front catwalk. I will need new watering cans. I will need a lot of dirt. Wish me luck cause Sping is coming!

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