Monday, April 19, 2010


Well, as mentioned in the last post, it appears to finely, and safely be spring!! That means it is time for me be compelled to plant some stuff. (Last year I did not feel so compelled, I was too stressed and tired and had my hands full with a 1.5 year old.) This year I have time on my hands, so why not be a little bit more ambitious than usual.

In all the talk about how people should try to grow their own food and all, I've decided to container grow some vegetables. Why container grow? A. The soil in our yard has very little topsoil, with clay underneath, so would need a lot of conditioning to get stuff out of it. B. Deer and Rabbits like our yard, but will mostly stay off our deck (I think). C. Our deck gets excellent sun exposure, far better than the rest of the yard (although this means it is very hot there in the summer and this may be a problem).

So what are we trying???? I bought some everbearing strawberries, three different types of small tomatoes (one called patio which seems to be breed for containers), a peppermint plant, marigolds (okay they not edible, but pretty and will go in the actually garden) and a pepper plant which I might have alreadly killed.

In addition I'm seeding argula, basil, green beans (the big tall thing in the picture), non support needing peas, yellow squash, and zuccinni. I hear zuccinni is fairly easy to grow and very prolific. I might purchase some more herbs and maybe spinach seeds, as it seems the greens might be pretty easy to grow. I also want to try making sprouts with the kiddo.

I've had a good start, but I need to get some big containers and a lot of potting soil. This operation is neither eco-friendly or economical, I fear, but maybe next year or in future years, if I can continue to do it. Maybe one year I will actually conquer composting, but it seems you need some kind of advanced degree to safely do that (oh wait a second, don't I have some kind of advanced degree in something bio related. Oh yeah, its in something entirely useless to the real world, mammalian cell biology and biochemistry!!!!!!!! Good thing I didn't have to pay money for that education! just time :)

Anyway It's kind of nice having the new green babies around, kind of hopeful again. That reminds me, I need to water everybody outside. We where away this weekend, and the tomatoes look thirsty.

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