Food waste Friday
I think we did okay this week, but the weekend may see us not quite getting through everything.
Rescues: Mixed vegetable pasta sauce, consumed lots of my balcony garden goods that were hanging out in fridge, used up lots of tomatoes, yellow squash, eggplant all pureed up with added carrotts,onions and garlic. it was a super bonus because my picky eater ate it ( at least one night ). I used up most of last weeks CSA deliver tonight for a salad. I made it a build you own with cukes, tomato, sauté onions and bell peppers, and boiled new potatoes. There was a lot left over, and now I am wondering why on earth I bought the big container of spring mix. Dinner tonight and maybe lunch on the weekend?
There was an almost rescue of some egg whites reserved from when I made custard ice cream. I tried to make an omelet which turned into a scramble cause I couldn't flip the dern thing, but I over salted it and although it is still pretty tasty one can only eat so much of it. I think I will likely have to throw it out. (actually I ate it for breakfast)
throwing out: Some unused pancake batter from last week, some left over pizza from two weeks ago I forgot about, our CSA cantaloupe which I totally misjudged, possibly another cantaloupe that is already cut up and no one seems to be eating, and a bit of moldy cheddar cheese. There is probably something else, but overall a pretty good week for us. <\p>
Next week we get beets and okra with the CSA. This will be challenging, but I guess that's why we are doing it.