Sunday, July 31, 2011


Old kitchen, fun with flour, hotel while we wait, new house, new kitchen

Not much difference in the state of my kitchen before and after our migration

We will be putting away boxes forever.

Monday, July 18, 2011

we (and our stuff)are in the new house!

and although there is lots of work to do, and a measure of dreaming and plotting of improvements, I feel like a should sit back for a moment.

I wish I could grab a cold beer, but alas!

somehow we pulled it off!

we sold the old house in a down market, bought the new house, did some renovations to clean it up a little, and moved.

and somehow (and with some help from the movers ) we sorted and packed And moved all our stuff

and learned to appreciate how little we need.

but man, our little guy was so happy to be reunited with all his old toys!

(pictures soon)

Friday, July 08, 2011

Sold the old house.

Moved out.

Waiting in a hotel for the new house to be painted, floored, aired.

All while creeping closer to yogurt's arrival.

One crazy summer.

We will make it. just a little farther.....almost there.

The mantra playing in my head......

It will be worth it in the end, right?