This year has greeted us with little resolution, so a thought I would share mine
1. Waste less food. (without making anyone sick)
2. Use less paper towels, plastic bags, and plastic water bottles.
3. Put some batteries in the camera, so the blog has pictures.
4. Finish Anna's sweater.
Mostly in line with being conscious of what we consume that we don't need to, to be kinder to the earth, and kinder to our bank accounts. I made some progress on #2 last year, but I still forget the shopping bags on occasion, or forget that I can use them in a non grocery store as well. I have switched to use cloth diapers for rags in the kitchen, which adds to the laundry, but not appreciable. However some messes are paper towel kind of messes. I also use crocheted or knitted cotton dishrags instead of sponges, and throw them in with the laundry. They work better for the most part anyway.
The food thing I've been working on, but it is a challenge. My eyes are often bigger than our ability to eat, or my desire to prepare food at the end of the week. But I'm working on it. I still need to figure out when to freeze part of a meal for later, and when we are okay eating that meal all week. Maybe I should er toward freezing. But what's the best way to freeze?Will it stand up? I don't like freezing food in general, because it often gets ruined in the process. I think part of the not wasting might be making smaller more frequent grocery trips. So that I don't plan two meals and only cook one, and then lose the produce for the second one. It may mean eating in more on weekends, which we generally don't do. It is a complicated problem. But I think we can do better.
Now off to work on #4