Monday, December 06, 2010

This time of year a whirl of activity descends on our household and we seem to jump from celebration to celebration. Enjoy the chaos!

My little boy turned three, and he was feted, and feted, and feted again, culminating in the spectacular party this weekend at our house. Kids, sugar, guitars, the fire brigade running through my house with every vacuum house I could muster up = Complete and blissful chaos only little kids can create! The hose seemed so still when everybody left! Oh yeah, and then there is this Hanukkah thing that we now celebrate as he is old enough to sortof get "it". The early arrival of Hanukkah this year means that there is a two week period in which he gets toys almost everyday. I fear he will go into withdraw waiting for Christmas. Enjoy this beautiful, busy season, and try not to get too caught up in what you HAVE to do, so you can enjoy what you are doing right now!