About 6 months
Our Little Guy turns about 6 months sometime very soon, and as you can see he's starting to look like a little boy and less like an infant. It is amazing how fast he is growing. He is in the I like to roll over on to my stomach, and then start screaming until mommy puts me on my back b/c I haven't quite figured out the whole getting back thing phase. We are working on the whole sitting up phase thing, but he doesn't quite understand the concept of balance yet. It might be awhile.
A little bit of an updated is probably in order as it's been awhile. OLG is a very happy baby as you can see from the above picture. (Please ignore the crazy woman holding him, and instead focus on the cuteness). We did go through a little bit of a sleep problem around 4 1/2 months where due to a series of colds, and mom over-reacting to said colds, Sean developed the unfortunate habit of waking up every 1-2 hours at night, resulting in "reactionary co-sleeping" and a mommy who was dragging herself into work each looking a bit bedraggled. This went on for a month (a month of mom sleeping in 1-2 hour shifts, and then getting up at 6:30 and having to be somewhat functional at work all day, think about it.....)Then Fabulous Aunt Aimee gave us their copy of the Sleeplady book, and it inspired us to get that kid back in his crib, and back to sleeping. Basically, after one rough night OLG figured out how to fall asleep by himself (we'll mostly by himself), and now sleeps in his crib in the other room. He still wakes up more frequently then he should, but we usually get at least on 6-8 hour stretch out of him. The sad thing is that we now put him to bed around 8:30, which means precious little family time on weekdays. Being a working parent is rough!!
So event wise, We went to cherry blossoms with the lab:
We went for two nights of passover in NJ and saw all the cousins. Good food, good people. Thanks Nanna...
We went to Md Sheep and Wool and lasted about 45 minutes before baby got hungry, but decided that too much was going on to nurse. So we left after looking at a couple of baa,baas, and went back to his comfy nursing chair at home where he settled down. I now try to take a bottle with me when we go out. He seems to take a bottle in social situations much better than me. So much for the ease of breastfeeding on the go! By the way my husband was absolutely stunned by the size of the sheep in wool thing, he though there'd be a handful of people, even though I tried to warn him.
We went out to The Old Olney Alehouse with friends, sat outside and had dinner and I drank my first draft beer in a long time. So nice to sit outside , eat, and drink a beer with the baby
There was mother's day. I got pretty flowers, and we had a nice brunch at Fabulous Aunt Aimee's. I'll see if I can steal one of her pictures.
Dad has started to play Thurs evening golf, leaving me to wonder what fun activity I could do to cash in all the baby "capital" I'm earning.
And, oh yeah, knitting: I completed one sleeve of "Trellis" for OLG when he is about 18 months. I might be able to finish the sweater in time.. I started Airsaig (middle), and have decided that it is way overly ambitious of a project for the time being, although a really digg the yarn color, and I like knitting lace, so I'm planning on tucking it into my stash for latter, and re-started a clapotis (right) from MdSW yarn purchase two years ago. I had started this before, and was actually quite far into it, but I remember some wonkiness, so I decided to rip out and start again. Maybe, I can finish this in time for Christmas giving. It's hard to find time to myself these days to knit, but I do try.
Alright that is all for now. I will be sending this link out to some friends and relatives shortly, so that we are not out done by cousin Sam, so Hello! if I actually manage to do that before the next post!