Is this really the fortune you want to get the night before having surgery?

Because of said hospital stay and feeling like I was getting a cold all week, I've been taking it easy, which meant getting the opportunity to do a little knitting. I finished the knitting on the little star sweater and proceeded to seaming.

I'm getting better at armhole and shoulder seams, although they're still not like the ones in the books!
I was very worried about the proportions and sizing of this sweater, but now that I've started to seam it, I feel like it might not be a horrible thing to inflict on a 2 year old after all. (He won't remember it anyway, right?) I really don't want to be the crazy Aunt who knits the sweaters with sleeves that are vastly different sizes.
I guess the final verdict will be when he gets to try it on.
Anyway, now I have to figure out what little and easy project to bring with me to the hospital......