Friday, July 14, 2006


I can't believe how quickly the summer is vanishing. It seemed like just yesterday I submitted by FASEB application, and now the meeting is here! Nothing but small GTPases in Vermont! (without A.C.!)

Today at work I discovered I can't cut and paste as I put together my poster.

I guess I'm not really as crafty as I imagined

But I can knit!

I'm taking three projects with me on the trip. Looking forward to knitting time on the plane and bus ride. I'm bringing Icarus which I'm attempting to bring on the plane (I think, I might still wouse out and get it out after wards), The Jaywalker socks (which need to be restarted again, because they were too small. I don't understand this I have tiny feet!!!! And I didn't think I knit that tight), and final the cover project on the Summer Interweave which is the Lotus blossom tank. I likey, I likey alot.

So here are the pre-meeting shots. We'll see how much I get done inbetween all the talk about Ras and Rho and Rab and of course Arf .

First, ICARUS. I'm basically just starting the last repeat.

About to be dismantled Jaywalker and Lotus (not about to be dismantled)

Finally, Hippo did so work on the living last weekend. He wanted you to know that now the living room doesn't look like snuffles anymore. Now it is white (instead of brownish tinged)

P.S. Congratulations to my brother and his wife, who just bought a place in Tokyo. Soon you can do painting of your own!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I've been really bad about posting pictures of finished work. Sure I mention when I finish something, but I've been too lazy to post pics. Its like I'm done with it and cease to care once its off the needles. So with that in mind, here are the daffodil sox.

This weekend we had a picnic and I started and almost finished Dr. Stegs:

Dr. Stegs Unstuffed

Dr. Stegs unsewn:

Dr.Stegs gets his legs:

I'm working on the spines and the spikes, The spines are a little floppy. So I'm trying to modify the pattern to make them less floppy.

We had our 4th of July bbq, saturday afternoon, which was a good thing. Because this happened Sunday afternoon:

I guess it could have been a lot worse.

Happy Fourth of July!