A rainy Saturday means no gardening, and I was looking for something to do. With the advent of the warmer weather I've been yearning for lighter projects. I decided to dig out the green lace sweater on tiny needles.
What greeted me was another project. Stash reorganization. And as I sorted out my knitting needles it occurred to me that I have to have more circular needles than this:
It distrubs me a little when I realize I have yarn and projects stashed in many little hiding places. Isn't this what alcholics do? I found projects in the dresser in my closet, different projects on the floor of my closet, another project in the drawer by my night stand, projects in the crystal bowl downstairs. And this does not include the incomplete projects in the plastic bins which make up the majority of my stash.
This brings me to :
Operation Reclaim the Needles
I have decided that I will work on finishing up the many projects I have laying around. I have added a WIP (Work in Progress) column on my sidebar for motivation. And as you can see I have lots to do.
First there is the aforementioned green lace sweater. I've been working on this sweater for two years. I spent a whole summer knitting the front, only to rip out the whole thing when I figured out the correct way the p2tog (which I don't remember at the moment, but I know where to look it up), Currently the front is done, but the neck line ended up badly uneven and needs to be ripped back and reknit. The back is halfway done (close to the armholes)
Second, is tiny baby blanket. This project is the typical naive young knitter project. The major complications are its a blanket on size 3 needles, and that the back is an absolute entangled snare that makes my garden look trim and neat by comparsion. I won't even show you a picture because it is to gruesome. I also got bored. The baby it was for is know over 1 1/2.

Third, is another baby blanket made of acrylic yarn. This is one of yarn harlots patterns. Basically I just bored. The baby it was meant for is about 6 months old so probably won't need it by the time it is complete
Fourth, Clapotis from knitty. Everybody's favorite scarf. I got a little bit mixed up on the row I was on and ended up with the stiches on the beginning of the row not matching the number on the end of the row for a hypothetical pattern row. It is also on straight needles, which I find really ackward.
Also don't forget the aforementioned feather and fan scarf, and the Mariyln sweater
I know that it would make the most sense to start with Mariyln because its the one that I haven't technically put down yet as I have no other major projects, and that the green lace sweater is the sweater I started this whole reorganization thing yearning for, but the thing that is calling to me after all of this stash visitation is Clapotis. And of course I'm still allowed a sock
The real question is how long can I stay committed to this little project? How long until that list of WIPs just starts growing and growing? I'm hoping to tackle some of these and am going to try not to make any new yarn purchases (except for Maryland Sheep and Wool) or plan any new projects. We'll see.